How to write podcast show notes

How to write podcast show notes

odcast show notes are an essential part of any podcast episode. They serve as a summary of the episode, provide additional information for listeners, and can be used for SEO and promotion. In this article, I will provide you with 6 key elements of effective podcast show notes and how to write them.

1.Episode Summary

The first section of your show notes should provide a brief summary of the episode. This can include the main topic or theme of the episode, any guests or experts featured, and any key takeaways or points discussed.

2. Time stamps

Time stamps can be helpful for listeners who want to skip ahead to a specific section of the episode. They can also reference specific segments or quotes from the episode.

3.Links and resources

Include any relevant links or resources mentioned in the episode. This can include websites, articles, and books that were discussed. This is also a great place to include any affiliate links or sponsored content.


Including a transcription of the episode can be beneficial for both listeners and search engines. Listeners who are hard of hearing or have difficulty understanding spoken word can still benefit from the episode's content. Additionally, a transcription can make the episode more discoverable on search engines.


Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your show notes, such as asking listeners to leave a review, subscribe to the podcast, or follow the host on social media. This can help increase engagement and grow your audience.

6.Additional information

If there is any additional information that you think would be beneficial for listeners, include it in the show notes. This can include behind-the-scenes information, bonus content, or a reminder of upcoming events or promotions.

In summary, podcast show notes are an important part of any podcast episode. They provide a summary of the episode, additional information for listeners, and can be used for SEO and promotion. Be sure to include a summary, time stamps, links and resources, transcription, a call-to-action and additional information in your show notes.